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Top 4 New Cool Gadgets Which Makes Life Easier

Top 4 New  Cool Gadgets Which Makes Life Easier

In many cases, having surgery to remove a tumour means having to go back for another surgery because some of the tumour was left behind. This is because it’s very difficult to tell by sight whether tissue is cancerous or not. Researches at London’s Imperial Hospital have created an intelligent scalpel that can tell if the tissue is touching is healthy or cancerous. The “iKnife’ works by instantly sampling the smoke that rises from an incision. The smoke contains important biological information that can be analyzed within three seconds.

To help visually impaired people make and receive phone calls, phones operate. It is a two-piece mobile phone that incorporates several features which make dialing, answering and talking much easier for blind users. It doesn’t have a screen or a keypad like a conventional phone- those elements are replaced with features that make the phone simple to operate sight unseen. The user simply turns the scroll wheel to select numbers 0-9 for the phone to dial. This feature would require the user to memorize the numbers they want to dial, so perhaps a future generation of the design could incorporate a speed dial feature.

The word ‘endothelial’ is probably not a common part of most people’s vocabulary. It describes the type of cells that form the inner lining of your heart. One group of scientists have created what they call the endotheliometer. It’s basically like a watch in reverse; it fits on your wrist and instead of giving you time, it tells your imminent cardiovascular problems. The designers suppose that good health and good blood circulation go hand in hand. It is able to monitor heart-generated pulse waves directly related to the endothelium, which steadily declines with age. This cloud lead to the detection of problems with blood pressure, clotting and circulation.

Even though we now have more resources available than ever to make our lives easier, many of us can’t seem to find time to squeeze in some exercises every day. Between work, family and social commitments, the day just gets eaten up. This stationary bike workstation can help combine some daily activities with exercise to make it easier to stay fit. In order to power a laptop, portable DVD player or other plug-in gadget, the user has to pedal the bike and create his own electricity. It can also be used as a lounge chair when your device’s battery is charged. The matching adjustable laptop table puts your gadgets right where they need to be.