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HTML codes for linking and inserting images in the web page.

How You Link Your Page By Using Html Code.

While surfing Internet, you might have seen that when we click on any highlighted word or image, it takes us to another web page or document. These links to another pages or documents are called hyperlinks. A hyperlink is a highlighted text or image that stores the address of some other web page/document. When we click on any hyperlink, the linked document gets opened.
To create a hyperlink, <A> (Anchor) tag is used. The HREF attribute of the <A> tag stores the reference (address) of the document that is to be linked. The text that appears on the hyperlink is enclosed between the starting tag <A> and ending tag </A>.


<AHref = “Document name”> Hyperlink Text</A>

<AHREF=”http://www.google.co.in/”>Click here to open Google home page</A><BR>
<AHREF=”D:/Photo.jpg”>Click here to open a Picture</A><BR>
<AHREF=”D:/welcome.HTML”>Click here to open the web page</A><BR>


Note: The highlighted links of the above code is for example. You can change It from your 
desire links.

How To Insert Images In The Web Page.

Besides text, you can display graphics, drawings, paintings, chart, maps or photograph on the web page.
To add an image to your web page, type the tag <IMG SRC=”?”> replacing “?” with the image file. While specifying the image file, you should be well aware of its location i.e., where the file exists. The IMG is an empty element that has various attributes, which are as follows:

<TITLE>Image at center of the screen</TITLE>

Note: you can change the Highlighted link with your desire image link.
You can also align the image to the right or left of the web page.


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