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html codes for create tables,Marquee text

You know that in blogging or creating a page is not possible without html codes.Especially in blogger webpage.If you want to insert any type of special effect or works.you need html codes of it.So,there are some codes for making a website better.
Html code for Creating a Table.
To create a table in HTML,we use the <TABLE>tag.Each table begins with a <TABLE> tag and ends with </TABLE>tag.Each row within a table begins with the <TR> table row tag,and ends with the </TR> tag.Rows must be inside the <TABLE> tag.
Let us create a table to display the S.No.,Name and Grades of students and understand the use of these tags.
<TITLE>Create a Table</TITLE>
Note that the given words in red are as for ex.you will replace it as your names for table.

html code for Marquee Text
 A Marquee display a moving text message on a background.You can add a marquee to your web page by using the <marquee> tag.
SYNTAX:  <MARQUEE>text you want to enter or 'Qualities of good student'</MARQUEE>The marquee tag has a number of attributes.<marquee width=100%height=30 behavior="alternate"bgcolor="yellow">Attributes of a student </marquee>
  • Behavior attributes may take any value out of Alternate,Scroll and Slide.
  • To change the properties of the marquee text,you can use the <font> tag before the marquee tag and the Off<Font>tag after the </marquee> tag.
<B><Font Size="6"Color ="Yellow">
<FontSize="6"Color="White"><FontFace="Times New Roman">
<OL type="I">
<LI>Academic Skills
<marquee>Qualities of a student</marquee>


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